Canwood Bylaws, Permits, Policy
- 1991
- Bylaw 1-91 Bylaw To Provide For Penalties For Contravention Of Bylaws
- Bylaw 2-91 Bylaw Of The Village Of Canwood Authorizing Council Of The Said Village To Purchase Stock In A Housing Company
- Bylaw 2-91 Bylaw To Regulate The Operation Of Vehicles
- 1993
- Bylaw 6-93 Bylaw To Provide For The Amendment Of Section 1 and 2 Bylaw 2-91
- 1994
- Bylaw 3-94 Bylaw To Authorize Entering Into An Agreement With The Parkland District Health Board
- 1997
- Bylaw 2-97 Regional Library
- Bylaw 2-97 Regional Library
- 1999
- Bylaw 1-99 Bylaw Respecting Persons Carrying On Or Engaging In Certain Businesses Or Callings Within The Village Of Canwood
- Bylaw 4-99 Bylaw To Control The Disposal Of Scrap Tires
- 2001
- Bylaw 6-01 Golf Cart Bylaw.pdf Bylaw 6-01 Golf Cart Bylaw
- 2003
- Bylaw 1-03 Bylaw To Provide For Entering Into A Inter-Municipal Agreement
- Bylaw 1-03 Bylaw To Provide For Entering Into An Inter-Municipal Agreement To Create A Corporation For A Landfill Operation
- Bylaw 4-03 Bylaw To Amend The Basic Planning Statement Bylaw
- 2004
- Bylaw 1-04 Highway 55 Waste Management Corporation
- Bylaw 1-04 Bylaw To Amend The Basic Planning Statement Bylaw
- Bylaw 2-04 Bylaw To Amend The Zoning Bylaw
- 2008
- Bylaw 1-08 Bylaw To Establish Property Tax Incentives And Penalties
- Bylaw 2-08 Records Destruction Schedule Bylaw
- 2016
- Bylaw 6-16 Ethical Conduct of Members of Council
- 2017
- Bylaw 1-17 District Development Appeals Board
- Bylaw 5-17 Agreement with Canwood Regional Park Autority for the Provision of Fire Protection Services
- 2018
- Bylaw 4-18 Provide for the Abatment of Nuisances
- 2022
- Bylaw 2022-01 Assessment Mailing Notice
- Bylaw-2022-02 Duties of Administrator and Officers
- Bylaw 2022-06 A Bylaw to Prohibit the Keeing of Certain Animals
- 2023
- Bylaw-2023-01 Official Community Plan
- Bylaw-2023-02 Zoning Bylaw
- Bylaw-2023-02 Zoning Bylaw Map
- 2024
- Bylaw 2024-01 - Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw 2024-01 - Amendment
- Bylaw 2024-02 - Base Tax Bylaw
- Bylaw 2024-03 - Mill Rate Factor Bylaw
- Bylaw 2024-04 - Tax Certificates
- Bylaw 2024-05 - Fee to Appeal Assessment
- Bylaw-2024-06 - Building Bylaw
- Bylaw 2024-08 - Animal Control Bylaw
- Bylaw-2024-09 - Control of Snow Removal on Private Property
- Residential Complaint form
- Building Permit with Detached Garage form
- Building Permit and Development Permit
- Lottery License Application
for any community groups doing small raffles for fundraising with the retail value of prizes being under $1,000.00. - Animal Control Bylaw 5-16 - Application for License - PDF | MS Word
Building and Zoning
- Land Use Fire Ban Policy
- Shipping Container (Sea Can) Policy
- PR-1 Selling of Tax Enforcement Property
- PR-2 Publication of Annual Financial Statmements
- PR-3 Publication of Waterworks Financial Overview
- HR-6 Violence Prevention Policy
- Waterworks Emergency Response Plan
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Residential Water Sewer Service Lines
Snow Removal Policy
Snow fall season is going to be once again upon us and Council would like to remind property owners about snow removal. It is against Village Policy to clear snow from your yard(s) and add it to the streets, any municipal property or another property that is not owned by you.
We would request that residents be considerate with where your snow is going when clearing, and whenever possible, keep the snow on your property. If you find that this is not possible, please contact the Village office for permitted locations.
Please also note that if utilizing an ATV or UTV to clear snow from driveways or sidewalks, please be very cautious. We appreciate the efforts of residents to use these types of methods to keep sidewalks and driveways cleared. However, vehicles such as these tend to leave ridges when clearing and may make the surface uneven resulting in difficulty for municipal equipment to snow blow or clear/remove ridges from that portion of the sidewalk.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office at (306)468-2016.